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The JC Marketing Consultants program is a COMPLETE marketing system unlike anything you've ever seen. In short, we have combined some of the best elements of multiple well-known marketing systems and experts including: Jay Abraham, Michael Gerber (the E-Myth), Mike Koenigs (Traffic Geyser), Rich Harshaw (Monopolize Your Marketplace), Frank Kern, Dan Kennedy, Steve Jobs, Jim Rohn, Claude Hopkins, and others to create one, complete and cohesive marketing system that gives your business the leverage to dominate your market. Utilizing this groundbreaking marketing system along with world class graphics, design, and media, JC Marketing Consultants is the only marketing company with the resources to help your business become #1 in your industry. In fact, the system is so effective, that we can only work with one company per industry in any given market. We are so confident that when our system is properly implemented for your business will cause your prospects to say that your company is the obvious choice . So, will it be you or your competitor?.If all this sounds hard to believe or hype go ahead and read the information found in this website and watch the videos for yourself and then YOU be the judge. We will explain the basic fundamentals of our system and different components that make our JC Marketing Consultants program unique yet powerful which by the way is not based on gimmicks or creativity so YOU as a business owner can determine if this program will work for you or not.